Hi, my name is Utkarsh Dhiman
I'm a Software Developer.

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My name is Utkarsh Dhiman. I am currently pursuing B.E. in CSE from CCET-26 Chandigarh. I have worked in various fields like Machine Learning, Open CV, Web Development and many others.

I love to talk about technology and also like to solve coding problems. Apart from this i love to play computer games and also like listening music.

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Handwritten Digit Recognition

The following Project Recognizes Hand written digits using Keras and tensorflow.js which is an open source ML tool for deploying machine learning project onto the web. The Libraries Used are as follows
Tensorflow – For Deployment onto Web
Keras – For Building and Training

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Code Judge is a coding judge module with admin panel and user dashboard. Can be installed on any linux server and can be used as a coding competition platform. Technologies used are as follows
HTML CSS Bootstrap JS

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